agency firm list (liste d'agence cabinet)
"Cegid Loop - APIKey Cabinet" is required This service is chargeable, check with your sales representative
The api key is generated in cegidlife on this service by a firm administrator
Settings in LoopHub, documentation in French :
The request headers must contain x-apikey, Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key
: This is the subscription key and it is mandatory.
Returns the agence cabinet list
Link to technical documentation
API Request/Response
example Code Description Links 200 class response
Media type
application/json Controls Accept header.
Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format.
The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json
The C R UD – Retrieve resources.
Name | Description | example | mandatory | |
codeDossier | Code Dossier | cabinet | YES | |
filter string (query) | Allows you to filter the result | codeDossier =="CEGID001" | NO | |
Sort | Allows you to sort the result | field1&&field2:desc | NO | |
skip | Allows to pass X elements | ?skip="{number}" | NO | |
take | Allows to recover X elements | ?take="{number}" | NO |
Note : the filter parameter should use javascript notation for equality : either == or === or !=
Class Reponse
To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.
Action | Nature | Description | |
objectId | string($uuid) | ID (UUID) Code unique | |
revisionId | string($uuid) | ID (UUID) of revision | |
code | string maxlengt 100 | code of dossier | |
libelle | string maxlength 100 | Description | |
siret | string maxLength: 14 | siret | |
numvoie | string maxLength: 10 | number | |
string maxLength: 100 | |||
extension | string maxLength: 100 | extention | |
nomvoie | string maxLength: 100 | Name of street | |
lieuditHameau | string maxLength: 100 | locality | |
complementDistrib | string maxLength: 100 | complement | |
codePostal | string maxlength 100 | code zip | |
localite string | maxlength 100 | locality | |
pays | string maxLength: 10 | city | |
telephone | string | telephone number | |
pays | string | Code ISO of country | |
fax | string maxLength: 100 | List of working group codes associated with the folder, separated by a ; | |
Example response
"objectId": "7f2300ef-5172-48c1-9e6a-991232449133",
"revisionId": "0x0000000000046CD3",
"code": "2021020442",
"siret": "993456789012",
"numVoie": "12",
"extension": 1,
"nomVoie": "RUE VIOLETTE",
"lieuditHameau": "FRIOUL",
"complementDistrib": "ORANGE BLEUE",
"codePostal": "13008",
"localite": "MARSEILLE",
"pays": "FR",
"telephone": "0785227543",
"fax": "0406060606",
"libelle": "AGENCE MODIF2 API"
Add of an AgenceCabinet
link to technical documentation
API Request/Response
example Code Description Links 200 class response
Media type
application/json Controls Accept header.
Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format.
The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json
The C R UD – Retrieve resources.
Name | Description | example | mandatory | |
codeDossier | Code Dossier | cabinet | Yes |
On body
"code": "2021020441",
"libelle": "AGENCE API 1",
"siret": "12345678901234",
"numVoie": "21",
"extension": 0,
"nomVoie": "RUE JASMIN",
"complementDistrib": "ORANGE MARINE",
"codePostal": "75016",
"localite": "PARIS",
"lieuditHameau": "ILE COCOLINT",
"pays": "DE",
"fax": "0606060606",
"telephone": "0685227543"
Attention, before adding it is necessary to do the get AgenceCabinet in order to have objectId of the AgenceCabinet
Class Reponse
To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.
Action | Nature | Description | |
objectId | string($uuid) | ID (UUID) Code unique | |
revisionId | string($uuid) | ID (UUID) of revision | |
code | string maxlengt 100 | Working group code | |
description | string maxlength 100 | Description | |
agence | string maxLength: 100 | Agency code | |
Example response
"success" : [
"libelle" : "AGENCE API 1",
"objectId" : "28fafa16-63ba-4800-801b-23fea254fe33",
"revisionId" : "0x00000000000D17A9",
"code" : "2021020441",
"description" : "AGENCE API 1",
"siret" : "12345678901234",
"numVoie" : "21",
"extension" : 0,
"nomVoie" : "RUE JASMIN",
"lieuditHameau" : "ILE COCOLINT",
"complementDistrib" : "ORANGE MARINE",
"codePostal" : "75016",
"localite" : "PARIS",
"pays" : "DE",
"telephone" : "0685227543",
"fax" : "0606060606"
"errors" : [ ]
Modification of AgenceCabinet
link to technical documentation
API Request/Response
example Code Description Links 200 class response
Media type
application/json Controls Accept header.
Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format.
The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json
The C R UD – Retrieve resources.
Action | Nature | Description | |
objectId | string($uuid) | ID (UUID) Code unique | |
revisionId | string($uuid) | ID (UUID) of revision | |
code | string maxlengt 100 | Working group code | |
description | string maxlength 100 | Description | |
agence | string maxLength: 100 | Agency code | |
Example body
Attention, before modifying it is necessary to do the get AgenceCabinet in order to have objectId of the AgenceCabinet
"objectId" : "4e87374a-2f33-4845-b8cb-b91c1921c5e6",
"revisionId" : "0x00000000001B218B",
"libelle" : "AGENCE MODIF2 API",
"siret" : "993456789012",
"numVoie" : "12",
"extension" : 1,
"nomVoie" : "RUE VIOLETTE",
"complementDistrib" : "ORANGE BLEUE",
"codePostal" : "13008",
"localite" : "MARSEILLE",
"lieuditHameau" : "FRIOUL",
"pays" : "FR",
"fax" : "0406060606",
"telephone" : "0785227543"
Example response
"success" : [
"libelle" : "AGENCE MODIF2 API",
"objectId" : "4e87374a-2f33-4845-b8cb-b91c1921c5e6",
"revisionId" : "0x00000000001B218D",
"code" : "2021020441",
"description" : "AGENCE MODIF2 API",
"siret" : "993456789012",
"numVoie" : "12",
"extension" : 1,
"nomVoie" : "RUE VIOLETTE",
"lieuditHameau" : "FRIOUL",
"complementDistrib" : "ORANGE BLEUE",
"codePostal" : "13008",
"localite" : "MARSEILLE",
"pays" : "FR",
"telephone" : "0785227543",
"fax" : "0406060606"
"errors" : [ ]
Delete of AgenceCabinet
Link to technical documentation
API Request/Response
example Code Description Links 200 class response
Media type
application/json Controls Accept header.
Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format.
The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json
The C R UD – Retrieve resources.
DEL | Name | Description | example | mandatory | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------------------|----------------------------|-------------------| codeDossier string| The code of AgenceCabinet|cabinet| YES |
Example body
Attention, before modifying it is necessary to do the get AgenceCabinet in order to have objectId of the AgenceCabinet
"objectId" : "28fafa16-63ba-4800-801b-23fea254fe33",
"revisionId" : "0x00000000000D17A9"
Example response
"success" : [
"status" : "deleted",
"objectId" : "28fafa16-63ba-4800-801b-23fea254fe33",
"revisionId" : "0x00000000000D17A9"
"errors" : [ ]