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Cegid Loop - Synchronization system "sink"


Cegid Loop provides its customers and partners with a system called "sink" for synchronizing accounting data to any third-party software.

What is a sink ?

In the context of data processing, a "sink" refers to a destination or endpoint where data is collected, stored, or otherwise directed to. It is a component of a data flow system that represents the final destination of data after it has been processed or transmitted through various stages.

Supported destinations

Cegid Loop supports 2 different types of destinations :

Start using our sink

To start using the sink, you need to go through the following steps:

  • Subscribe to a storage among supported destinations
  • Sink access is ruled by sink subscriptions. Our sink subscription management APIs allow you to create a subscription, setup your storage's information, add or remove accounting files. See complete documentation for more details.

Synchronized accounting data

Every change (insertion, update, deletion) over following business objects are tracked by events, and pushed to storages under a file format.

Description Insert event Update event Delete event
comptaCompteInserted comptaCompteUpdated comptaCompteDeleted
Bank accounts
(Comptes bancaires)
comptaCompteBancaireInserted comptaCompteBancaireUpdated comptaCompteBancaireDeleted
Accounting entries
(Écritures comptables)
comptaEcritureInserted comptaEcritureDeleted +
comptaJournalInserted comptaJournalUpdated comptaJournalDeleted
Accounting parameters
(Paramètres comptables)
comptaParametreInserted comptaParametreUpdated comptaParametreDeleted
Accounting periods
(Périodes comptables)
comptaPeriodeInserted comptaPeriodeUpdated comptaPeriodeDeleted
Analytical sections
(Sections analytiques)
comptaSectionInserted comptaSectionUpdated comptaSectionDeleted
comptaTiersInserted comptaTiersUpdated comptaTiersDeleted
VAT parameters
(Paramètres de TVA)
comptaTvaInserted comptaTvaUpdated comptaTvaDeleted
comptaEtablissementInserted comptaEtablissementUpdated comptaEtablissementDeleted


Initialized Periods

The following periods are initialized:

• Opened exercises: Periods that are currently active and open for reporting.

• Most Recent Closed Exercise: The most recent period that has been closed.

Types of Periods

When creating a new period, you can specify the type as either "exercise" or "situation":

• Exercise: Refers to a complete accounting period, typically one year.

• Situation: A snapshot or status report of the company's financial situation for a specific date or period.

Data Synchronization Rules

During data synchronization, the following rules apply:

• Newly created exercises are included in the synchronization process, ensuring that all relevant periods: opened, newly created, and the most recent closed ones are accounted for.

• Whatever the number of exercises, it synchronizes the records of all the situations that are in the initialized exercises.

• All the entries of initialized periods ( exercices and situations) are sent.

• Entries from old closed exercises are excluded from synchronization.

Example Scenarios:

Scenario 1: Initialized Exercises:
  Exercice 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024 (Open)

  Exercice 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023 (Closed)

  Exercice 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022 (Closed)

Data to be Sent:

-Entries of all situations in between 01/01/2023 and 31/12/2024 are sent.

-Any ecriture ( bilan or situation ) in 2022 will not be sent.

Scenario 2: Initialized Exercises:

  Exercice 01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021 (Closed)

  Exercice 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022 (Closed)

  Exercice 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2023 (Open)

  Exercice 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2024 (Open)

Data to be Sent:

-Entries of all situations in between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2024 are sent.

-A situation in 2021 will not be sent

See following link : Sink subscription

Daily report

See following link : Sink report

Initialization report


At the end of the initialization process, a file will be generated to document the number of records processed for each schema. This file will be saved in the corresponding directory of the sink and will be named with a timestamp to indicate when the process was completed. For example, the file will be named initialisation-report-date.

Important fields of the File:

schemaName: The name of the schema.

count: The number of records processed for the schema.

entite_id: ID of the concerned entity.


Here is a sample of what the file content should look like:

  "0": {
    "schema": "comptaJournalInserted",
    "count": 3
  "1": {
    "schema": "comptaTvaInserted",
    "count": 0
  "2": {
    "schema": "comptaEtablissementInserted",
    "count": 1
  "3": {
    "schema": "comptaCompteInserted",
    "count": 817
  "4": {
    "schema": "comptaSectionInserted",
    "count": 1
  "5": {
    "schema": "comptaPeriodeInserted",
    "count": 1
  "6": {
    "schema": "comptaTiersInserted",
    "count": 1
  "7": {
    "schema": "comptaTiersInserted",
    "count": 1
  "8": {
    "schema": "comptaTiersInserted",
    "count": 0
  "9": {
    "schema": "comptaTiersInserted",
    "count": 1
  "10": {
    "schema": "comptaParametreUpdated",
    "count": 1
  "11": {
    "schema": "comptaEcritureInserted",
    "count": 14
  "12": {
    "schema": "comptaCompteBancaireInserted",
    "count": 0
  "13": {
    "schema": "comptaReconciliationInserted",
    "count": 0
  "entite_id": "ae9c6905-0035-4ce6-9d27-2c26b317035e"


The timestamp included in the file name indicates the time when the file was produced

while the one inside the file indicates the time when the data changed in loop the timestamp format is ISO

You can convert timestamp to ISO format using an online converter

Example of file name :

  • Insert events

  • Update events

  • Delete events

Example of tampStamp in file

timestamp	1706627839000
application_id	"1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe"
entite_id	"a1ee3b15-24ef-45a5-8ff2-2b1f45440c7c"
id	"0cee37db-1ca8-4073-84a3-547795567fa9"
numero	"56870000"
libelle	"56870000"
collectif	false
lettrable	false
pointable	false
centralisable	false
analytique	false
ferme	false
compteContrepartie_id	null
compteBanque_id	null
tva_id	null
type	1
ventilationDefaut	null

Conversion :

1706627839000 = 30/01/2024 - 17:18:28