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Partial initialization


Perform partial initialization of a company file(entite/dossier) starting from the previous day.

Request Methods

POST: Trigger the partial initialization

POST /partialInit

Request URL:


Request Body:

The request body for the POST method should include the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Required
key string Unique identifier of the entity YES
subscriptionId string Subscription id of the sinker YES
numberOfDays integer Number of days for which we send the data, prior to the execution time. YES

numberOfDays : The maximum value allowed is 20 If not specified, the default value of the number of days is 1

Example POST Request


Example POST Request Body:
 "key": "e12a5703-ef8e-48da-8a21-699af50aae80",
 "subscriptionId": "7324343829320",
 "numberOfDays" : 1

Example POST Response

A successful POST request should return a 200 status code and a response body as follows:

    "message": "L'initialisation partielle du dossier COMPANY_ONE - domaine LOOP - a débuté",
    "domain": "LOOP",
    "codeIbs": "COMPANY_ONE"