Table of Contents

Accounting Parameter


Returns an accounting list

Link to technical documentation



API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.


The C R UD – Retrieve resources.


Name Description example mandatory
codeDossier Code Dossier CEGID003 Yes
filter string (query) Allows you to filter the result numero=="60100000" NO
Sort Allows you to sort the result ?filter="field==={filter}" NO
skip Allows you to pass X elements ?skip="{number}" NO
take Allows you to recover X elements ?take="{number}" NO

Class Reponse

To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.

Action Description
numero string The code of the Account number
libelle string Description of accounts
type Enum 1-7
collectif boolean false or true
lettrable boolean false or true
pointable boolean false or true
centralisable boolean false or true
analytique boolean false or true
ferme boolean close
comptecontrepartie string
compteBanque string bank account
tva string vat

Example response

    "objectId": "0f57181f-379e-44f5-9470-64680ed50bb5",
    "revisionId": "0x0000000000017ED5",
    "description": [
    "numero": "60100000",
    "libelle": "Achats non stockés de matières et fournitures",
    "type": 6,
    "collectif": false,
    "lettrable": false,
    "pointable": false,
    "centralisable": false,
    "analytique": true,
    "ferme": false,
    "compteContrepartie": {
      "objectId": null,
      "description": [


adding an account

link to technical documentation



API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.


The C R UD – Retrieve resources.


Name Description example mandatory
codeDossier Code Dossier CEGID003 Yes

On body

    "numero": "string",
    "libelle": "string",
    "type": "1",
    "collectif": true,
    "lettrable": true,
    "pointable": true,
    "centralisable": true,
    "analytique": true,
    "ferme": true,
    "compteContrepartie": {
      "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
    "compteBanque": {
      "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
    "tva": {
      "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

Class Reponse

To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.

Action Description
numero string The code of the Account number
libelle string Description of accounts
type Enum 1-7
collectif boolean false or true
lettrable boolean false or true
pointable boolean false or true
centralisable boolean false or true
analytique boolean false or true
ferme boolean close
comptecontrepartie string
compteBanque string bank account
tva string vat

Example body


You cannot change the properties of a 'child' element You can add, edit or delete 'child' elements by including their 'objectId', all other properties will be ignored This also applies to 'child' elements in an array Adapt the example below if necessary.

  "numero": "string",
  "libelle": "string",
  "type": "1",
  "collectif": true,
  "lettrable": true,
  "pointable": true,
  "centralisable": true,
  "analytique": true,
  "ferme": true,
  "compteContrepartie": {
    "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
  "compteBanque": {
    "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
  "tva": {
    "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

Attention, before adding it is necessary to do the get account in order to have objectId of the account

Example response

      "revisionId" : "0x000000000006DE18",
      "objectId" : "d6504a33-a758-4e73-ad77-915d3b3447d2",
      "numero" : "6011200",
      "libelle" : "ACHATS DIVERS",
      "type" : 6,
      "collectif" : false,
      "lettrable" : false,
      "pointable" : false,
      "centralisable" : false,
      "analytique" : true,
      "ferme" : false,
      "compteContrepartie" : {
         "objectId" : null
      "compteBanque" : {
         "objectId" : null
      "tva" : {
         "objectId" : null
      "created" : "2022-05-16T14:31:45Z",
      "updated" : "2022-05-16T14:31:45Z"


Modification of account

link to technical documentation



API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.


The C R UD – Retrieve resources.


Name Description example mandatory
codeDossier Code Dossier CEGID003 Yes

Class Reponse

To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.

Action Description
numero string The code of the Account number
libelle string Description of accounts
type Enum 1-7
collectif boolean false or true
lettrable boolean false or true
pointable boolean false or true
centralisable boolean false or true
analytique boolean false or true
ferme boolean close
comptecontrepartie string
compteBanque string bank account
tva string vat

Example body


You cannot change the properties of a 'child' element You can add, edit or delete 'child' elements by including their 'objectId', all other properties will be ignored This also applies to 'child' elements in an array Adapt the example below if necessary.

  "numero": "string",
  "libelle": "string",
  "type": "1",
  "collectif": true,
  "lettrable": true,
  "pointable": true,
  "centralisable": true,
  "analytique": true,
  "ferme": true,
  "compteContrepartie": {
    "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
  "compteBanque": {
    "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"
  "tva": {
    "objectId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6"

Attention, before modifying it is necessary to do the get account in order to have objectId of the account

Example response

      "revisionId" : "0x000000000006DE18",
      "objectId" : "d6504a33-a758-4e73-ad77-915d3b3447d2",
      "numero" : "6011200",
      "libelle" : "ACHATS DIVERS",
      "type" : 6,
      "collectif" : false,
      "lettrable" : false,
      "pointable" : false,
      "centralisable" : false,
      "analytique" : true,
      "ferme" : false,
      "compteContrepartie" : {
         "objectId" : null
      "compteBanque" : {
         "objectId" : null
      "tva" : {
         "objectId" : null
      "created" : "2022-05-16T14:31:45Z",
      "updated" : "2022-05-16T14:31:45Z"


Delete of account

link to technical documentation



API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.


The C R UD – Retrieve resources.


Name Description example mandatory
codeDossier Code Dossier CEGID003 Yes

Class Reponse

To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.

Action Description
numero string The code of the Account number
libelle string Description of accounts
type Enum 1-7
collectif boolean false or true
lettrable boolean false or true
pointable boolean false or true
centralisable boolean false or true
analytique boolean false or true
ferme boolean close
comptecontrepartie string
compteBanque string bank account
tva string vat

Example body


Attention, before modifying it is necessary to do the get account in order to have objectId of the account

    "revisionId": "0x000000000006DE0F",
    "objectId": "95e17efe-bb83-4d19-9424-7d5d2383982a"

Example response

Response body
    "revisionId": "0x000000000006DE0F",
    "objectId": "95e17efe-bb83-4d19-9424-7d5d2383982a"