GET /giActivitesMission
describes the details of a service forming part of an engagement letter. Returns a list of LettersFromMissions
Link to technical documentation
"url": https://api.cegid.com/loop-api-publiques/giActivitesMission?codeDossier=cabinet
Name | Description | example | mandatory | |
codeDossier | Code Dossier | cabinet | Yes | |
filter string (query) | Allows you to filter the result | lettreMissionId=="efb2dfc9-71a5-4e72-98fd-78b427790086" | YES | |
Sort | Allows you to sort the result | ?filter="field==={filter}" | NO | |
skip | Allows you to pass X items | ?skip="{number}" | NO | |
take | Allows you to pass X items | ?take="{number}" | NO |
Note that the filter parameter should use javascript notation for equality : either == or ===
Class Reponse
To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.
Action | Description | ||
lettreMissionId | Mission letter identifier | ||
Libelle string | Activity name | ||
activiteCabinet boolean | Is this an activity that falls to the firm? | ||
activiteClient boolean | Is this a client activity | ||
unite number($float) | Unit of time to complete the activity, in hours | ||
frequence string | Frequency of activity 1: Monthly 2: Quarterly 3: Half-yearly 4: Yearly 5: Punctual | ||
dateFreq string($date-time) | Date Accuracy | ||
calage string | Calculation basis for frequency 1: Fiscal year 2: Calendar year 3: Post-fiscal year | ||
decalage string Array [ 3 ] | Difference in months 1: 1 month 2: 2 months 3: 3 months 4: 4 months 5: 5 months 6: 6 months 7: 7 months 8: 8 months 9: 9 months 10: 10 months 11: 11 months 12: 12 month 13: 13 month 14: 14 month 15: 15 month 16: 16 month 17: 17 month 18: 18 month | ||
quantite Array [ 18 integer | Quantity of the activity in the engagement letter | ||
datePrevObligation string Array [ 31 ] | Deadline in month 1:1 2:2 3:3 4:4 5:5 6:6 7:7 8:8 9:9 10:10 11:11 12:12 13:13 14:14 15:15 16:16 17:17 18:18 19:19 20:20 21:21 22:22 23:23 24:24 25:25 26:26 27:27 28:28 29:29 30:30 31:31 | ||
API Request/Response
Code Description Links 200 class response
Media type
application/json Controls Accept header.
Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format.
The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json
"activite": "Visite accompagnement client",
"activiteCabinet": true,
"activiteClient": false,
"unite": 4,
"frequence": 5,
"dateFreq": "2022-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"calage": 2,
"decalage": 0,
"quantite": 1,
"datePrevObligation": 0
"activite": "Tableaux de bord ",
"activiteCabinet": true,
"activiteClient": false,
"unite": 0.15,
"frequence": 1,
"dateFreq": null,
"calage": 1,
"decalage": 1,
"quantite": 1,
"datePrevObligation": 0
"activite": "Accès à Expensya : saisie automatisée des frais",
"activiteCabinet": true,
"activiteClient": false,
"unite": 0,
"frequence": 1,
"dateFreq": null,
"calage": 1,
"decalage": 0,
"quantite": 1,
"datePrevObligation": 0
"activite": "Enregistrer les factures dans PIA",
"activiteCabinet": true,
"activiteClient": false,
"unite": 0,
"frequence": 1,
"dateFreq": null,
"calage": 1,
"decalage": 1,
"quantite": 1,
"datePrevObligation": 10
"activite": "Accès à Cegid Devis Facture",
"activiteCabinet": true,
"activiteClient": false,
"unite": 0,
"frequence": 1,
"dateFreq": null,
"calage": 1,
"decalage": 0,
"quantite": 1,
"datePrevObligation": 0
"activite": "Accès à Bankin'",
"activiteCabinet": true,
"activiteClient": false,
"unite": 0,
"frequence": 1,
"dateFreq": null,
"calage": 1,
"decalage": 0,
"quantite": 1,
"datePrevObligation": 0
GET /LettresDeMissions
mission describes a mission letter
Returns a list of LettersFromMissions
Link to technical documentation
"url": https://api.cegid.com/loop-api-publiques/LettresDeMissions?codeDossier=cabinet
Name | Description | example | mandatory | |
codeDossier | Code Dossier | cabinet | Yes | |
filter string (query) | Allows you to filter the result | entite.objectId=='e87a74e3-2e92-41c2-898a-0b253f73315b' | YES | |
Sort | Allows you to sort the result | ?filter="field==={filter}" | NO | |
skip | Allows you to pass X items | ?skip="{number}" | NO | |
take | Allows you to pass X items | ?take="{number}" | NO |
Note that the filter parameter should use javascript notation for equality : either == or ===
Class Reponse
To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.
Action | Description | ||
codeIBS | file id | ||
Description string | Description | ||
profitcenter string | |||
maitreDossier string | |||
entite string | |||
entiteIbsId string | |||
dateDebut string($date-time) | example: 2020-04-28T11:33:47Z Date | ||
dateFin string ($date-time) | |||
engStatut string Array [ 4 ] | |||
dateRenouvellement string($date-time) | |||
dateDebExercice string($date-time) | Date | ||
dateFinExercice string($date-time) | Date | ||
dateSignature string($date-time) | Signature Date | ||
dossierFacturation string | |||
status string | Statut lettre mission 6: Editée 1: Proposée 2: Signée 3: Annulée 4: Création des activités et du plan 5: Erreur lors de la création des activités et plans 7: En cours de signature électronique 8: Signée électroniquement | ||
file string | |||
dateEnvoiPdf string | Date of sending the pdf file (quote or mission letter) | ||
pdffile string | |||
dateEnmodelevoiPdf string | |||
indexIncInt integer | Incremented index including only the number | ||
API Request/Response
Code Description Links 200 class response
Media type
application/json Controls Accept header.
Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format.
The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json
"objectId": "efb2dfc9-71a5-4e72-98fd-78b427790086",
"revisionId": "0x00000000000726D2",
"description": "CONSEIL",
"codeIBS": "LM2021111",
"profitCenter": "",
"maitreDossier": {
"objectId": null,
"description": [
"entite": {
"objectId": "e87a74e3-2e92-41c2-898a-0b253f73315b",
"description": [
"entiteIbsId": "",
"dateDebut": "2021-11-01T00:00:00Z",
"dateFin": "2022-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"engStatut": 1,
"engMission": 0,
"dateRenouvellement": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z",
"dateDebExercice": "2020-12-31T19:00:00Z",
"dateFinExercice": "2021-12-30T19:00:00Z",
"dateSignature": null,
"dossierFacturation": {
"objectId": "ed8c3a5c-d644-41c9-a371-a8c6aa098190",
"description": [
"statut": 0,
"file": {
"objectId": null,
"name": "",
"mimeType": "",
"uri": "",
"data": ""
"dateEnvoiPdf": null,
"pdfFile": {
"objectId": null,
"name": "",
"mimeType": "",
"uri": "",
"data": ""
"modele": {
"objectId": null,
"description": [
"indexIncInt": 1