How to get an APIKey ?
Attached the video :
How you can generate APIKey
How you access to company file in Loop and Checks import of accounting entries by API
1. Connect to CegidLife:
Access to the following URL, and login as an administrator with your password to connect
2. Access to your profile (Mon profil).
3. Access to the services catalog
Click on the button "VOIR LA LISTE" to view the services catalog.
Services available for Cegid Loop
Cegid Loop - APIKey Cabinet (P04454): only available in the case the accounting practice purshased this service.
Loop APIKey Standard (P04448): always available.
4. Generate the APIKey
- Click on the button "GENERER UNE CLE D'API".
- Select the service you want in the dropdown "SĂ©lectionner un service"
- Provide a name to your APIKey in the text input "Entrer le nom d'une nouvelle clé"
- Click on "GENERER LA CLE D'API" to generate an APIKey.
- Save carefully your
. They will no longer be visible after leaving or refreshing the page.
Example of generation of an APIKey for the service <Cegid Loop - APIKey Cabinet>