Table of Contents

List of engagement


"Cegid Loop - APIKey Cabinet" is required This service is chargeable, check with your sales representative


The api key is generated in cegidlife on this service by a firm administrator

Settings in LoopHub, documentation in French :

The request headers must contain x-apikey, Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key : This is the subscription key and it is mandatory.


Returns a engagement list

Link to technical documentation



API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.



Name Description example mandatory
codeDossier Code Dossier cabinet YES
filter string (query) Allows you to filter the result codeIBS=="CEGID003" NO
Sort Allows you to sort the result field1&&field2:desc NO
skip Allows to pass X elements ?skip="{number}" NO
take Allows to recover X elements ?take="{number}" NO

Note : the filter parameter should use javascript notation for equality : either == or === or !=

Class Reponse

To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.

Action Nature Description
objectId string($uuid) ID (UUID) Code unique
revisionId string($uuid) ID (UUID) of revision
codeIBS string Assignment number
description string description
profitCenter string
maitreDossier string Commitment manager
entite string Customer file
entiteIbsId string Customer file id
dateDebut string Start date
dateFin string End date
engStatut string Draft:1,Open:2,Frozen:3,Closed:4
engMission string Accounting:1,GS:2,Audit:3,others:4
dateRenouvellement string Renewal date

Example response

[ {
    "objectId": "d6f8e0c9-0ffa-4dfc-80cd-7095431eb0ec",
    "revisionId": "0x0000000000039260",
    "description": "ENGAGEMENT API",
    "codeIBS": "BY_EQUIPAGE",
    "profitCenter": "",
    "maitreDossier": {
        "objectId": null,
        "description": ["", "", ""]
    "entite": {
        "objectId": null,
        "description": [""]
    "entiteIbsId": "BY_EQUIPAGE",
    "dateDebut": null,
    "dateFin": null,
    "engStatut": 1,
    "engMission": 1,
    "dateRenouvellement": "2020-12-31T00:00:00Z"
}, {
    "objectId": "1b478008-4462-4384-8895-bcc779649911",
    "revisionId": "0x0000000000048CE1",
    "description": "MV_LM_DAVIDTNR4_001",
    "codeIBS": "LM20222",
    "profitCenter": "",
    "maitreDossier": {
        "objectId": null,
        "description": ["", "", ""]
    "entite": {
        "objectId": null,
        "description": [""]
    "entiteIbsId": "",
    "dateDebut": "2022-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "dateFin": "2022-12-31T00:00:00Z",
    "engStatut": 1,
    "engMission": 0,
    "dateRenouvellement": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z"


Adds an engagement

Link to technical documentation



API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.



On body

    "code": "ENG2",
    "description": "TEST CREATION ENG ",
    "engagementManager": "",
    "codeDossier": "CEGID003",
    "statut": "E0001",
    "dateRenouvellement": null

Class Reponse

To retrieve a single resource the request should supply the UID.

Example response

    "processing": "submitEngagement",
    "code": "200",
    "message": "add de l'engagement ENG2 reussi."


Updates engagement

Link to technical documentation



Attention : The following Api "PUT/engagement" modify only the data of menu “Paramétrage, Dossiers, Clients” but it doesn’t update the identification of company file on the menu “dossier, identification”. There is no synchronization between those two menus.

API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.

Example body

    "code": "ENG2",
    "description": "TEST CREATION ENG MANON",
    "engagementManager": "",
    "codeDossier": "CEGID003",
    "statut": "E0001",
    "dateRenouvellement": null

Example response

Response body
    "processing": "submitEngagement",
    "code": "200",
    "message": "update de l'engagement ENG2 reussi."