Table of Contents


Import of entries in FEC format

Example Value


  "codeIbs": "string",
  "URI": "string",
  "URL": "string"

API Request/Response

example Code Description Links 200 class response

Media type

application/json Controls Accept header.

Therefore, all responses from the API are in the JSON format and all payloads to the API must be in the JSON format. The request headers must contain Content-Type: application-json.

Link to technical documentation




Name Description example mandatory
codeIbs Code Dossier CEGID001 Yes
URI File path in Azure Storage NO
URL where the file is located https://... YES

Note to be entered either URL or URI not both at the same time

The URL or URI for authentication to "fichier" must be valid for at least 24 hours (Microsoft recommendation) The objective is to be able to manage the "retry" process ,and track the service disruptions, whether voluntary or involuntary.

example :

  "codeIbs": "CEGID003",
  "URI": "",
  "URL": ""


  "accountingImportRequestId": "ca85671e-6f98-4c2e-b075-c5cd9fea57ed"

Note accountingImportRequestId can be used for status by getstatus