Table of Contents

Data format

In general, for each creation of a record in Loop, we will produce a file of the "Inserted" type with all the values of the record. For example, comptaCompteInserted, comptaJournalInserted.

For data modifications, we produce files of the "Updated" type. This type of file contains only the values that have been changed. Example comptaComptUpdated, comptaJournalUpdated. Fields that are not affected by the modification are sent with the value null. Exception: in the case of accounting entries, we do not produce the "Updated" file but instead a "Deleted" file followed by an "Inserted" file. This is to avoid the complexity of processing on the lines of entries.

For deletions, we produce files of the "Deleted" type. This type of file contains only the identifier (guid) of the record.

Threre is a different behavior for the Accounting entries (écritures comptables)

Only files having type = 1 (meaning "générale") and type = 5 ( "initial" or "A Nouveau") are already integrated in the accounting.

If you need all entries of all types ( budget, drafts etc) you should read all files.

If you only need the entries that are visible in the Loop application you should get the files having type 1 or 5.

Entries produced by the accounting robot and validated are also having type = 1.

Entries produced by the accounting robot and not yet validated are having type = 7 ("Brouillard").

The "validation" property usage is deprecated.

For the changes of the existing entries we are not producing "Updated" files like comptaEcritureUpdated. For every update we produce a file comptaEcritureDeleted followed by comptaEcritureInserted. A file comptaEcritureDeleted issued by un update has the value of the property miseAJour equal to "true" and a real deletion is having miseAJour to "false".

Schema of json files comptaEcritureInserted

Description of fields

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
etablissement_id string uuid entry uuid ref on schema etablissement
periode_id string uuid entry periode unique id
journal_id string uuid entry uuid ref on schema journal
type int entry type: value from 1 to 7, for general 1, forecast 2, simulation 3, project 4, initial 5, budget 6, draft 7
document string path to linked document
date string accounting date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
refPiece string document reference code used by the accountant to classify the entry
numFEC int FEC generation identifier > 0
ecritureOrigine string Entry origine. PIA is using to store the document id
typeLot int API or Application which has originated. Value from 1 to n. This enum will change often: Bank, PIA, QB, ...
validation int entry PIA status validation. Value from 1 to 4: To be created 1, To be corrected 2, To be validated 3, Validated 4
commentaire string commentaire
miseAJour boolean If false, that is a real insert, else it means that the entry has just been deleted to be recreated
dateJustif string date du justificatif
fields array of lignes items
lignes array of records ligneEcriture
ligneEcriture array of records fields

Description of fields ligneEcriture

Name type logicalType doc
id string logicalType: uuid doc: Accounting unique object id
index long entry position in group
date_operation string transaction date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
date_debCutOff string Splitting start date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
date_finCutOff string Splitting end date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
compte_id string uuid uuid ref on schema compte
tiers_id string uuid uuid ref on schema tiers
reference string doc: document reference code #invoice
categorie_id string uuid uuid ref on schema compte
libelle string entry description
debit record moneyldi
credit record moneylci
date_echeance string date. Format YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ
lettrage_id, string uuid doc lettered reference uuid
date_lettrage string doc Lettering date. Format YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ
pointage_id string uuid doc Reconciliation uuid
date_pointage string doc Reconciliation date. Format YYYY-MM-DDThhmmssZ
ecritureMere string logicalType uuid doc uuid of the original document
modePaiement int Payment means used. Value from 1 to 11. The main/common ones are: None 1, Cash 2, Check 3, Transfer 5, Direct Debit 6
quantite float quantité
ventilation array of record ligneVentilation

Description of fields ligneVentilation

Name type logicalType doc
id string uuid doc loop - cegid - loop unique object id
axeCode string Analysis axis
section_id string currency in three characters, like USD, EUR, GBP ... Default EUR
debit record moneyadi
credit record moneyaci

Description of fields moneyldi or moneylci or moneyadi or moneyaci

Name type logicalType doc
amount double uuid the amount in the currency used in accounting, normally the Euro. Default 0
currencyAmount double the amount in the currency. Default 0
currency string currency in three characters, like USD, EUR, GBP ... Default EUR
currencyRate double the rate which can be find by calling teh ECB or by dividing currencyAmount by amount. Default 1

Example Data entries

    "timestamp": 1689949617000,
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "entite_id": "b6335a14-3391-4fba-b397-32835fe15e2b",
    "id": "927c74d6-dfdd-4e6b-9bca-f0fd8ae49a74",
    "etablissement_id": "28358011-4bb8-4f00-a3d4-253fdfac4f63",
    "periode_id": "c1c92e3f-a04b-4a20-8723-5c3d3e04b904",
    "journal_id": "b042c397-20e6-49d7-a923-dc2a4bcd61a7",
    "type": 1,
    "document": null,
    "date": "2023-03-29T00:00:00Z",
    "refPiece": "1",
    "numFEC": null,
    "ecritureOrigine": null,
    "typeLot": 0,
    "validation": 4,
    "commentaire": null,
    "miseAJour": false,
    "dateJustif": "2023-03-29T00:00:00Z",
    "lignes": [
            "id": "005b204e-327b-49a5-a6c4-7d87fc6c690d",
            "index": 1,
            "date_operation": null,
            "date_debCutOff": null,
            "date_finCutOff": null,
            "compte_id": "476bbbb8-d072-4ee6-9740-e2ec8dd47b79",
            "tiers_id": null,
            "reference": null,
            "categorie_id": null,
            "libelle": "achat",
            "debit": {
                "amount": 120,
                "currencyAmount": 120,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "currencyRate": 1
            "credit": {
                "amount": 0,
                "currencyAmount": 0,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "currencyRate": 1
            "date_echeance": null,
            "lettrage_id": null,
            "date_lettrage": null,
            "pointage_id": null,
            "date_pointage": null,
            "ecritureMere": null,
            "modePaiement": 1,
            "quantite": 5,
            "ventilation": [
                    "id": "9a7ebddf-5358-4b12-ab65-1035aaa8c079",
                    "axeCode": "AXE",
                    "section_id": "ce40cbac-2c1e-487e-ab5a-1209e262259d",
                    "debit": {
                        "amount": 120,
                        "currencyAmount": 120,
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "currencyRate": 1
                    "credit": {
                        "amount": 0,
                        "currencyAmount": 0,
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "currencyRate": 1
            "id": "354e7393-cbff-4cef-9318-eb7d214e0ae3",
            "index": 2,
            "date_operation": null,
            "date_debCutOff": null,
            "date_finCutOff": null,
            "compte_id": "a8034bc3-1289-43f0-b349-f0bbd2826bc6",
            "tiers_id": null,
            "reference": null,
            "categorie_id": null,
            "libelle": "achat",
            "debit": {
                "amount": 0,
                "currencyAmount": 0,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "currencyRate": 1
            "credit": {
                "amount": 120,
                "currencyAmount": 120,
                "currency": "EUR",
                "currencyRate": 1
            "date_echeance": null,
            "lettrage_id": null,
            "date_lettrage": null,
            "pointage_id": null,
            "date_pointage": null,
            "ecritureMere": null,
            "modePaiement": 1,
            "quantite": 5,
            "ventilation": [
                    "id": "7e00e143-e473-4f34-b153-718aebf2a9a1",
                    "axeCode": "AXE",
                    "section_id": "ce40cbac-2c1e-487e-ab5a-1209e262259d",
                    "debit": {
                        "amount": 0,
                        "currencyAmount": 0,
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "currencyRate": 1
                    "credit": {
                        "amount": 120,
                        "currencyAmount": 120,
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "currencyRate": 1

Example of ventilation

           "ventilation": [
                    "id": "9a7ebddf-5358-4b12-ab65-1035aaa8c079",
                    "axeCode": "AXE",
                    "section_id": "ce40cbac-2c1e-487e-ab5a-1209e262259d",
                    "debit": {
                        "amount": 120,
                        "currencyAmount": 120,
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "currencyRate": 1
                    "credit": {
                        "amount": 0,
                        "currencyAmount": 0,
                        "currency": "EUR",
                        "currencyRate": 1

Schema of json files comptaCompteInserted

Description of fields

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
numero string uuid Account's number in the chart of accounts
libelle string uuid Account's description
collectif boolean uuid Is this account a reconciliation one ? by default false if null
lettrable boolean uuid Is this account verifiable ? by default false if null
pointable boolean Is this account reconciliable ? by default false if null
centralisable boolean Is this account concentrable ? by default false if null
analytique boolean Is this account auditable ? by default false if null
ferme boolean Is this account closed ? by default false if null
compteContrepartie_id string account
compteBanque_id string For cash accounts, the Iban ID attached to this account
tva_id string For 2, 6 and 7 accounts, the tva object ID attached to this account
type string FAccount's nature. Values: Divers 1, Client 2, Fournisseur 3, Banque 4, Caisse 5, Charge 6, Produit 7, Immo 8, Salarié 9, Extra Comptable 10, TVA 11, Attente 12, Collectif Divers 13
ventilationDefaut array of cptVentilI List of the default section on every axis, which will be used while creating entries to generate a default 'ventilation'. Only one section per axis will be managed
 { "name": "ventilationDefaut",
            "type": ["null", {
                "type": "array", 
                "items": {
                    "type": "record",
                    "namespace": "fr.cegid.loop",
                    "name": "cptVentilI",
                    "fields": [
                        { "name": "axeCode", "type": "string", "doc": "Unique code of the analytics axis" },
                        { "name": "section_id", "type": "string", "doc": "UUID of the default section for the current account" }                        

Example of comptaCompteInserted

    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "timestamp": 1553183322000,
    "id": "2cf12f4e-d705-46fc-a3df-247e489cb550",
    "numero": "26210000",
    "libelle": "TITRES - SPV BABEL",
    "collectif": false,
    "lettrable": false,
    "pointable": false,
    "centralisable": false,
    "analytique": false,
    "ferme": false,
    "compteContrepartie_id": null,
    "compteBanque_id": null,
    "tva_id": null,
    "type": 8,
    "ventilationDefaut": null

Schema of json files comptaCompteUpdated

Description of fields

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
numero null, string uuid Account's number in the chart of accounts
libelle "null, string uuid Account's description
collectif null, boolean uuid Is this account a reconciliation one ? by default false if null
lettrable null, boolean uuid Is this account verifiable ? by default false if null
pointable null, boolean Is this account reconciliable ? by default false if null
centralisable null, boolean Is this account concentrable ? by default false if null
analytique null, boolean Is this account auditable ? by default false if null
ferme null, boolean Is this account closed ? by default false if null
compteContrepartie_id string account
compteBanque_id null, string For cash accounts, the Iban ID attached to this account
tva_id null, string For 2, 6 and 7 accounts, the tva object ID attached to this account
type null, string FAccount's nature. Values: Divers 1, Client 2, Fournisseur 3, Banque 4, Caisse 5, Charge 6, Produit 7, Immo 8, Salarié 9, Extra Comptable 10, TVA 11, Attente 12, Collectif Divers 13
ventilationDefaut array of cptVentilI List of the default section on every axis, which will be used while creating entries to generate a default 'ventilation'. Only one section per axis will be managed
 { "name": "ventilationDefaut",
             "type": ["null", {
                "type": "array", 
                "items": {
                    "type": "record",
                    "namespace": "fr.cegid.loop",
                    "name": "cptVentilI",
                    "fields": [
                        { "name": "axeCode", "type": "string", "doc": "Unique code of the analytics axis" },
                        { "name": "section_id", "type": "string", "doc": "UUID of the default section for the current account" }                        

Example of comptaCompteInserted

    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "timestamp": 1553183322000,
    "id": "2cf12f4e-d705-46fc-a3df-247e489cb550",
    "numero": "26210000",
    "libelle": "TITRES - SPV BABEL",
    "collectif": false,
    "lettrable": false,
    "pointable": false,
    "centralisable": false,
    "analytique": false,
    "ferme": false,
    "compteContrepartie_id": null,
    "compteBanque_id": null,
    "tva_id": null,
    "type": 8,
    "ventilationDefaut": null

Example of comptaCompteInserted

application_id	"1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe"
timestamp	1703578757000
id	"e451a97e-6fda-4f29-b40e-02e706952905"
numero	"60100000"
collectif	false
lettrable	false
pointable	false
centralisable	false
analytique	true
ferme	false
compteContrepartie_id	"ae2b3b73-104b-452f-8c71-f7469461a0db"
compteBanque_id	null
tva_id	null
type	6
ventilationDefaut	null

Example of comptaCompteUpdated

timestamp	1706537594000
application_id	"1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe"
entite_id	"c094a7ac-0b60-4783-affb-17d5529a3299"
id	"e451a97e-6fda-4f29-b40e-02e706952905"
numero	null
collectif	null
lettrable	null
pointable	null
centralisable	null
analytique	null
ferme	null
compteContrepartie_id	null
compteBanque_id	null
tva_id	null
type	null
ventilationDefaut	null

Schema of json files comptaTiersInserted

Description of fields

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
code string uuid Third-party's short identifier. This code identifier must be unique, no matters the type of third-party
ferme boolean Is this account closed ? by default false if null
nature string uuid Third-party's nature. Values: Individuals:1, Corporate Body:2
prenom string uuid Firstname. only when nature == 1"
nom string uuid Lastname. only when nature == 1
raisonSociale string Corporate Name. only when nature == 2
nomComplement string Additional Name. only when nature == 2
nomUsuel string "Trading name
type int Mandatory, Third-party's nature. Client 0, Supplier 1, Employee 2, Prospect 3,Miscellaneous 4
lettrable boolean Is this account verifiable ? by default false if null
siret string official business number: 14 digits, like 98086004300013
telephone string Phone Number
email string Third-party's email
adresseNumero string Address number, maxlength 10
adresseBtq string Bis, ter Quarter. length 1 => B, T, Q
adresseVoie string] Street, maxlength 30
adresseLieu string Further detail, maxlength 35
adresseComp string Further detail, maxlength 35
adresseCP string ZIP Code, maxlength 17
adresseVille string] City, maxlength 35
adressePays string Country, code ISO 2, like FR, MX, CH ...
compteContrepartie_id string "account
validation int Third-party's status. Values: to be created:1, Confirmed:2
devise string Currency, code ISO 3, like EUR, GBP, USD, CHF ...
numeroTva string VAT number
defautTva_id" string VAT object associated, by default
affectationTva array of tva
rib array of iban
modePaiement int Payment means used by default. Value from 1 to 11. The main/common ones are: None 1, Cash 2, Check 3, Transfer 5, Direct Debit 6


Name type logicalType doc
tva_id string uuid VAT object in database
compteAssocie_id string uuid Associated account

iban :

Name type logicalType doc
iban string Iban
bic string swift code
devise string Currency, code ISO 3, like EUR, GBP, USD, CHF ...
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "timestamp": 1703579845000,
    "id": "c6044f74-9316-4dbc-bad0-799bbd7d75b2",
    "code": "0FOU",
    "ferme": false,
    "nature": 2,
    "prenom": null,
    "nom": null,
    "raisonSociale": "0FOU",
    "nomComplement": null,
    "nomUsuel": "0FOU",
    "type": 1,
    "lettrable": true,
    "siret": null,
    "telephone": null,
    "email": null,
    "adresseNumero": null,
    "adresseBtq": null,
    "adresseVoie": null,
    "adresseLieu": null,
    "adresseComp": null,
    "adresseVille": null,
    "adresseCP": null,
    "adressePays": null,
    "compteContrepartie_id": null,
    "validation": 4,
    "devise": "EUR",
    "numeroTva": null,
    "defautTva_id": null,
    "affectationTva": [],
    "rib": [],
    "modePaiement": 1

Example of compteContrepartie_id modification :

    "timestamp": 1708422579000,
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "entite_id": "c094a7ac-0b60-4783-affb-17d5529a3299",
    "id": "c6044f74-9316-4dbc-bad0-799bbd7d75b2",
    "code": null,
    "ferme": null,
    "nature": null,
    "prenom": null,
    "nom": null,
    "raisonSociale": null,
    "nomComplement": null,
    "nomUsuel": null,
    "type": 1,
    "lettrable": null,
    "siret": null,
    "telephone": null,
    "email": null,
    "adresseNumero": null,
    "adresseBtq": null,
    "adresseVoie": null,
    "adresseLieu": null,
    "adresseComp": null,
    "adresseCP": null,
    "adresseVille": null,
    "adressePays": null,
    "compteContrepartie_id": "c43c539e-0730-42f2-91bf-6b7428fa827c",
    "validation": null,
    "devise": null,
    "numeroTva": null,
    "defautTva_id": null,
    "affectationTva": null,
    "rib": null,
    "modePaiement": 1

Schema of json files comptaJournalInserted

Description of fields

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
code string uuid Journal's unique in the chart of journals
libelle boolean Journal's description"
compteContrepartie_id string uuid Account ID attached to this journal, only when type is 4 or 5
typeContrepartie string uuid values could be 1, 2 or 3. By defaut 2, 'A la pièce'. How do we manage 512 or 530 accounts
type int Journal's nature. Values from 1 to 8: Achat, OD, ANO, Banque, caisse, ECC, Regul, Vente
ferme boolean Is this journal closed ? by default false if null

Example of JournalInserted :

    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "timestamp": 1696968888000,
    "id": "023ade9b-2723-499e-af61-047077ef51c8",
    "code": "RB",
    "libelle": "Reprise de balances",
    "compteContrepartie_id": null,
    "typeContrepartie": 1,
    "type": 2,
    "ferme": false

Example of libelle modification on JournalUpdated :

    "timestamp": 1708423864000,
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "entite_id": "c094a7ac-0b60-4783-affb-17d5529a3299",
    "id": "4edeb5ed-dfdb-4bb3-b0de-474504c57b73",
    "code": null,
    "libelle": "ACHAT Marchandises",
    "compteContrepartie_id": null,
    "typeContrepartie": null,
    "type": null,
    "ferme": null

Schema of json files comptaPeriodeInserted

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
libelle string Period description
type int Period's nature. Values 2 stands for Final Position and 3 for Intermediate Position
dateDebut string uuid Format : 2020-06-04T15:51:43.454Z. Starting Date of the period
dateFin string uuid 2020-06-04T15:51:43.454Z. Ending Date of the period
dateCloture string 2020-06-04T15:51:43.454Z. Closure Date of the tax year
etat int Period status. Values from 1 to 4: Closed, Current, Next, Trial Balance Import
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "timestamp": 1696970367000,
    "id": "8700ba01-f4a6-4d9a-9765-f1d110a2c6cf",
    "libelle": "2023",
    "type": 2,
    "dateDebut": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
    "dateFin": "2023-12-31T00:00:00Z",
    "dateCloture": null,
    "etat": 2

Schema of json files comptaPeriodeUpdated

For example if we will change the libelle The comptaPeriodeUpdated file should contains the last updates of "libelle" but the other fields should be null

    "timestamp": 1708442316000,
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "entite_id": "c094a7ac-0b60-4783-affb-17d5529a3299",
    "id": "8700ba01-f4a6-4d9a-9765-f1d110a2c6cf",
    "libelle": "Exercice 2023",
    "dateDebut": null,
    "dateFin": null,
    "dateCloture": null,
    "etat": null

Schema of json files comptaEtablissementInserted

Name type logicalType doc
timestamp long timestamp-millis Datetime of the last modification on this object
application_id string uuid ID of the application that is at the orgin of the event
entite_id string uuid Company unique identifier inside Cegid Accounting events
id string uuid Accounting unique object id
nature int Branch nature. Values: Individuals:1, Corporate Body:2"
prenom string Firstname. only when nature == 1
nom string Lastname. only when nature == 1
raisonSociale string Corporate Name. only when nature == 2
nomComplement string Additional Name. only when nature == 2
enseigne string Trading name
naf string Activity Identifier. Length 5 characters, for example: 6202A
type int Branch type. Values: Principal && Head Office 1, Secondary 2, Principal 3, Head Office 4
nic string Branch official adding number: 5 digits, like 00013
email string Branch email
telephone string Phone Number
telephone string Phone Number
adresseNumero string Address number, maxlength 10
adresseBtq string Bis, ter Quarter. length 1 => B, T, Q
adresseVoie string Street, maxlength 30
adresseLieu string Further detail, maxlength 35
adresseComp string Further detail, maxlength 35
adresseCP string ZIP Code, maxlength 17
adresseVille string City, maxlength 35
adressePays string Country, code ISO 2, like FR, MX, CH ...
debutActivite string Starting business date. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
ssd_id string Accounting software unique object id of added details of the branch
ssd_type int The purpose of this extra data (ssd). Values: branch:1, Consolidation:2, Others Obligations:3
ssd_clotureExercice int The month when the tax year is closed: January: 1 ... decembre: 12
ssd_rof string Fiscal number like IS1, ...
ssd_regimeImposition string bic, agr, bnc, ... see the different codes and their meaning in documentation: ../
ssd_regimeFiscal string 70, 40, 50, ... see the different codes and their meaning in documentation: ../
ferme boolean Is this branch object closed
    "application_id": "1999353e-52d1-4598-b76e-6fcbd15620fe",
    "timestamp": 1703578621000,
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